Creating a WoW dropdown menu in pure LUA
There are guides out there about how to create dropdown menus already, but they mostly are a combination of Lua and XML. The current standard when creating addons is to use as little XML as possible because most everything can be done with LUA, and it’s often cleaner and easier to manipulate.
So I present to you, my solution for creating a reusable function to make dropdown menu’s a lot simpler and easier to create on the fly, without having to constantly copy-paste the foundation code.
--- Opts:
--- name (string): Name of the dropdown (lowercase)
--- parent (Frame): Parent frame of the dropdown.
--- items (Table): String table of the dropdown options.
--- defaultVal (String): String value for the dropdown to default to (empty otherwise).
--- changeFunc (Function): A custom function to be called, after selecting a dropdown option.
local function createDropdown(opts)
local dropdown_name = '$parent_' .. opts['name'] .. '_dropdown'
local menu_items = opts['items'] or {}
local title_text = opts['title'] or ''
local dropdown_width = 0
local default_val = opts['defaultVal'] or ''
local change_func = opts['changeFunc'] or function (dropdown_val) end
local dropdown = CreateFrame("Frame", dropdown_name, opts['parent'], 'UIDropDownMenuTemplate')
local dd_title = dropdown:CreateFontString(dropdown, 'OVERLAY', 'GameFontNormal')
dd_title:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 20, 10)
for _, item in pairs(menu_items) do -- Sets the dropdown width to the largest item string width.
local text_width = dd_title:GetStringWidth() + 20
if text_width > dropdown_width then
dropdown_width = text_width
UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(dropdown, dropdown_width)
UIDropDownMenu_SetText(dropdown, default_val)
UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(dropdown, function(self, level, _)
local info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo()
for key, val in pairs(menu_items) do
info.text = val;
info.checked = false
info.menuList= key
info.hasArrow = false
info.func = function(b)
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(dropdown, b.value, b.value)
UIDropDownMenu_SetText(dropdown, b.value)
b.checked = true
change_func(dropdown, b.value)
return dropdown
There you have it. You can call this function and get your dropdown like so:
local raid_opts = {
['items']= {'Molten Core', 'Blackwing Lair', 'Onyxia\'s },
['changeFunc']=function(dropdown_frame, dropdown_val)
print(dropdown_val) -- Custom logic goes here, when you change your dropdown option.
}raidDD = createDropdown(raid_opts)-- Don't forget to set your dropdown's points, we don't do this in the creation method for simplicities sake.
raidDD:SetPoint("LEFT", UIParent, "RIGHT", -20, 0);